
class fatf.transparency.predictions.surrogate_explainers.SurrogateTabularExplainer(dataset: numpy.ndarray, predictive_model: object, as_probabilistic: bool = True, as_regressor: bool = False, categorical_indices: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, class_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, classes_number: Optional[int] = None, feature_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, unique_predictions: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None)[source]

An abstract parent class for implementing surrogate explainers.

Changed in version 0.1.0: Added support for regression models.

New in version 0.0.2.

An abstract class that all surrogate explainer classes should inherit from. It contains an __init__ method and an input validator – _explain_instance_input_is_valid – for the abstract explain_instance method. The validation of the input parameters passed to the __init__ method is done via the fatf.transparency.predictions.surrogate_explainers._input_is_valid function.

If the predictive_model is a non-probabilistic classifier (as_probabilistic=False and as_regressor=False), it is advised to specify both classes_number and unique_predictions parameters to ensure proper functionality of the explainer. Please see the respective parameter descriptions for more details.

For detailed instruction how to build your own surrogate please see the How to build LIME yourself (bLIMEy) – Surrogate Tabular Explainers how-to guide.


The _explain_instance_input_is_valid method should be called in all implementations of the explain_instance method in the children classes to ensure that all of the input parameters passed to this method are valid.


A 2-dimensional numpy array with a dataset (utilised in various ways throughout the explainer).


A pre-trained (black-box) predictive model to be explained. If as_probabilistic (see below) is set to True, it must have a predict_proba method that takes a data set as the only required input parameter and returns a 2-dimensional numpy array with probabilities of belonging to each class. Otherwise, if as_probabilistic is set to False, the predictive_model must have a predict method that outputs a 1-dimensional array with (class) predictions.

as_probabilisticboolean, optional (default=True)

A boolean indicating whether the global model is probabilistic. If True, the predictive_model must have a predict_proba method. If False, the predictive_model must have a predict method. This parameter is disregarded when as_regressor=True.

as_regressorboolean, optional (default=False)

New in version 0.1.0.

A boolean indicating whether the global model is regression. If True, the predictive_model must have a predict method; the as_probabilistic parameter is disregarded. If False, the model is treated as a classifier – see as_probabilistic parameter.

categorical_indicesList[column indices], optional (default=None)

A list of column indices in the input dataset that should be treated as categorical features.

class_namesList[string], optional (default=None)

A list of strings defining the names of classes. If the predictive model is probabilistic, the order of the class names should correspond to the order of columns output by the model. For other models the order should correspond to lexicographical ordering of all the possible outputs of this model. For example, if the model outputs ['a', 'c', '0'] the class names should be given for ['0', 'a', 'c'] ordering. This parameter is disregarded when as_regressor=True.

classes_numberinteger, optional (default=None)

The unique number of classes modelled by the predictive_model. If the model is probabilistic, setting this parameter is not required as the number of classes will be inferred from the shape of the predicted probabilities array. For non-probabilistic models if this parameter is not given, this number will be inferred from the length of the class_names list if provided, otherwise the input dataset will be predicted and the unique values will be counter therein. Since the latter method cannot guarantee counting all the possible predictions, a UserWarning will be emitted encouraging the user to specify the number of classes via the classes_number parameter. For non-probabilistic models it is advised to specify this parameter. This parameter is disregarded when as_regressor=True.

feature_namesList[string], optional (default=None)

A list of strings defining the names of the dataset features. The order of the names should correspond to the order of features in the dataset.

unique_predictionsList[strings or integers], optional (default=None)

A complete list of unique predictions that the predictive_model can output. This parameter is only used when the predictive_model is a non-probabilistic classifier (as_probabilistic=False). This parameter is disregarded when as_regressor=True.


A 2-dimensional numpy array with the input dataset.


True if the dataset is a structured numpy array, False otherwise.

column_indicesList[column indices]

A list of column indices in the order they appear in the dataset.

categorical_indicesList[column indices]

A list of column indices that should be treat as categorical features.

numerical_indicesList[column indices]

A list of column indices that should be treat as numerical features.


True if the predictive_model should be treated as probabilistic and False if it should be treated as a classifier.


True if the predictive_model should be treated as regression and False if it should be treated as a (probabilistic) classifier.


A pre-trained (black-box) predictive model to be explained.

predictive_functionCallable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]

A function that will be used to get predictions from the input predictive model. It references the predictive_model.predict_proba method for for probabilistic models (as_probabilistic=True) and the predictive_model.predict method for non-probabilistic models.


A number of unique classes that the predictive_model is trained to recognise.


A list of strings defining the names of classes. If this was not specified by the user, the classes will be assigned names based on the following pattern: ‘class %d’. If the predictive_model is a classifier (as_probabilistic=False) and the number of unique predictions is equal to the number of classes, the class_names will be lexicographically sorted list of the unique values output by the predictive_model.


A list of strings defining the names of the features. If this was not specified by the user, the features will be assigned names based on the following pattern: ‘feature %d’.

unique_predictionsList[strings or integers] or None

None for probabilistic predictive_model (as_probabilistic=True) and a list of unique classes output by the predictive_model if it is non-probabilistic.


The predictive_model does not have the required functionality: predict_proba method for probabilistic models and predict method for regressors and non-probabilistic classifiers.


The input dataset is not a 2-dimensional numpy array.


Some of the column indices given in the categorical_indices parameter are not valid for the input dataset.


The number of columns in the probabilistic matrix output by the predictive_model (when as_probabilistic=True) is different to the number of features specified by the user via the features_number parameter. The predictive_model has output different unique classes to the ones specified by the user via the unique_predictions parameter (checked only for non-probabilistic models, i.e., as_probabilistic=False). Either the user-specified or inferred number of unique predictions does not agree with the internal number of classes.


The input dataset is not of a base (numerical and/or string) type. The as_probabilistic parameter is not a boolean. The as_regressor parameter is not a boolean. The categorical_indices parameter is neither a list nor None. The class_names parameter is neither a list nor None or one of the elements in this list is not a string. The classes_number parameter is neither an integer nor None. The feature_names parameter is neither a list nor None or one of the elements in this list is not a string. The unique_predictions parameter is neither a list nor None or all the elements in this list are not of string or integer type.


The categorical_indices list contains duplicated entries. The length of the class_names list is not equal to the detected or given number of classes, some of the entires in this list are duplicated or this list is empty. The length of the feature_names list is not the same as the number of features in the input dataset or some of the entries in that list are duplicated. The classes_number parameter is smaller than 2. The unique_predictions list is empty or contains duplicated entries.


If some of the string-based columns in the input data array were not indicated to be categorical features by the user (via the categorical_indices parameter), the user is warned that they will be added to the list of categorical features. When the classes_number parameter is not specified for a non-probabilistic model and the number of classes cannot be inferred form the length of the classes_names list, the number of classes is computed as the unique number of predictions of the predictive_model for the input datasets, which may not be accurate. The user is warned and advised to specify the classes_number parameter in this case. The user has provided unique predictions via the unique_predictions parameter for a probabilistic model (as_probabilistic=True), which are not needed and will be disregarded. The unique predictions had to be inferred from the predictions output by the (non-probabilistic) predictive_model, therefore may be incomplete. It is advised to provide this list via the unique_predictions parameter to ensure proper functionality of the explainer.


explain_instance(data_row, numpy.void])

Explains a data_row.

explain_instance(data_row: Union[numpy.ndarray, numpy.void]) → Any[source]

Explains a data_row.

This is an abstract method that must be implemented for each child object of this abstract class.


The _explain_instance_input_is_valid method should be called in all implementations of the explain_instance method in the children classes to ensure that all of the input parameters passed to this method are valid.

data_rowUnion[numpy.ndarray, numpy.void]

A data point to be explained.


An explanation of the data_row.


The data_row is not a 1-dimensional numpy array-like object. The number of features (columns) in the data_row is different to the number of features in the data array used to initialise this object.


This is an abstract method, hence has not been implemented.


The dtype of the data_row is different than the dtype of the data array used to initialise this object.