Getting Started

To get started with the package we first recommend getting acquainted with the documentation structure to be able to quickly locate needed information. We recommend following the documentation in the order given below to get the most out of it.

  1. Getting Started – this page.

    1. About the Package – a brief overview of the package and its structure.

    2. Installation Instructions – information how to install the package and what are its dependencies.

    3. Citing FAT Forensics – information how to cite the package and the user guide.

  2. Tutorials – a series of hands-on tutorials that will walk you through some basic use cases of the software.

  3. Examples – code examples showing how some of the main functionality of the package can be used.

  4. API Reference (0.1.2) – describing every function and object of the package.

  5. How-to Guides – a series of guides describing how to achieve a certain goal, e.g. implement a desired functionality, using the package.

  6. User Guide – a theoretical description of algorithms implemented by the package including their strengths, weaknesses and best practices.

  7. News – news about the package.

  8. Developers Guide – useful information for developers who want to contribute to the package.

  9. Contributors – a list of developers who contributed to the package.

  10. Changelog – a list of changes introduce to the package with every release.

  11. Roadmap – a plan for the future development of the package.


Additional learning resources are available on the FAT Forensics events website.


If you use our package or the user guide please remember to cite us.


Doctest Mode

The code-examples in the Tutorials and How-to Guides are written in a python-console format. If you wish to easily execute these examples in IPython, use the:


magic command in the IPython-console. You can then simply copy and paste the examples directly into IPython without having to worry about removing the >>> manually.