Measuring Robustness of a Data Set – Sampling Bias

This example illustrates how to identify Sampling Bias for a data set grouping for a selected feature.


The counts for groups defined on "petal length (cm)" feature (index 2) are:
    * For the population split *x <= 2.5* there are: 50 data points.
    * For the population split *2.5 < x <= 4.75* there are: 45 data points.
    * For the population split *4.75 < x* there are: 55 data points.

The Sampling Bias for *petal length (cm)* feature (index 2) grouping is:
    * For "x <= 2.5" and "2.5 < x <= 4.75" groupings there >is no< Sampling Bias.
    * For "x <= 2.5" and "4.75 < x" groupings there >is no< Sampling Bias.
    * For "2.5 < x <= 4.75" and "4.75 < x" groupings there >is< Sampling Bias.

# Author: Kacper Sokol <>
# License: new BSD

import as fatf_datasets

import as fatf_dam


# Load data
iris_data_dict = fatf_datasets.load_iris()
iris_X = iris_data_dict['data']
iris_y = iris_data_dict['target'].astype(int)
iris_feature_names = iris_data_dict['feature_names']
iris_class_names = iris_data_dict['target_names']

# Select a feature for which the Sampling Bias be measured
selected_feature_index = 2
selected_feature_name = iris_feature_names[selected_feature_index]

# Define grouping on the selected feature
selected_feature_grouping = [2.5, 4.75]

# Get counts, weights and names of the specified grouping
grp_counts, grp_weights, grp_names = fatf_dam.sampling_bias(
    iris_X, selected_feature_index, selected_feature_grouping)

# Print out counts per group
print('The counts for groups defined on "{}" feature (index {}) are:'
      ''.format(selected_feature_name, selected_feature_index))
for g_name, g_count in zip(grp_names, grp_counts):
    is_are = 'is' if g_count == 1 else 'are'
    print('    * For the population split *{}* there {}: '
          '{} data points.'.format(g_name, is_are, g_count))

# Get the disparity grid
bias_grid = fatf_dam.sampling_bias_grid_check(grp_counts)

# Print out disparity per every grouping pair
print('\nThe Sampling Bias for *{}* feature (index {}) grouping is:'
      ''.format(selected_feature_name, selected_feature_index))
for grouping_i, grouping_name_i in enumerate(grp_names):
    j_offset = grouping_i + 1
    for grouping_j, grouping_name_j in enumerate(grp_names[j_offset:]):
        grouping_j += j_offset
        is_not = '' if bias_grid[grouping_i, grouping_j] else ' no'

        print('    * For "{}" and "{}" groupings there >is{}< Sampling Bias.'
              ''.format(grouping_name_i, grouping_name_j, is_not))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.112 seconds)

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