
fatf.utils.transparency.surrogate_evaluation.local_fidelity_score(dataset: numpy.ndarray, data_row: Union[numpy.ndarray, numpy.void], global_predictive_function: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray], local_predictive_function: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray], metric_function: Callable[[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], float], explained_class_index: Optional[int] = None, explained_feature_indices: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, fidelity_radius_percentage: int = 5, samples_number: int = 50) → float[source]

Computes local fidelity between a global and a local (surrogate) model.

New in version 0.0.2.

For a selected data point (data_row), it samples uniformly around it within a hypersphere, which radius corresponds to a percentage – defined with fidelity_radius_percentage parameter – of the maximum l-2 distance between the specified data point and all the instances in the dataset. (This sampling is based on fatf.utils.data.augmentation.LocalSphere data augmenter.)


A dataset with categorical features.

This surrogate evaluation metric should not be used when the dataset contains categorical features (even when they are encoded, e.g., one-hot encoding) since the l-2 distance computed on mixed true numerical and (numerically-encoded) categorical features causes the local sample (computed with the fatf.utils.data.augmentation.LocalSphere data augmenter) to be ill-defined. Feature scaling could possibly be used to overcome this issue, however we leave such consideration up to the user.

The global and local predictive functions can be either: a probabilistic predictor, a (multi-class) classifier or a regressor.

Global Model

Local Model





OK, e.g., KL-divergence

OK, e.g., log-loss

Not possible


OK (via thresholding)


Not possible


OK for a single class

Not possible


If the global_predictive_function outputs probabilities, the following should be considered for different types of a local model:

  • The local model is probabilistic as well:

    • a native probabilistic evaluation metric, such as the Kullback–Leibler divergence, can be used; or

    • a thresholding can be applied or a top prediction can be chosen for both the local and the global probabilistic prediction and a classic classification performance metric can be used.

  • The local model is a classifier – the probabilistic output of the global model has to be thresholded or the top prediction needs to be selected and a classic classification performance metric can be used.

  • The local model is a regressor – this is only possible if the regressor is fitted for the probabilistic output of one of the classes. In this case any of the standard regression evaluation measures can be used.

If the global_predictive_function is a classifier, the following should be considered for different types of a local model:

  • The local model is probabilistic:

    • a native performance metric, like log-loss, can be used; or

    • the probabilistic output of the local predictor can be thresholded or the top label selected and compare using standard classification performance metrics.

  • The local model is a classifier as well – any standard (multi-class) classification performance metric can be used.

  • Having a local regressor is not possible in this case.

Finally, if the global_predictive_function is a regressor, the local model can only be a regressor as well, in which case any standard regression evaluation metric can be used.

If the problem being modelled is multi-class (for probabilistic models and classifiers), the local model can either be fitted to the original multi-class problem or as one-vs-the-rest for a selected class. In the latter case, when the global model is probabilistic, the explained_class_index parameter may be used to specify the class (column index) that the data_row belongs to (according to the global model) – in this case only the selected column with probabilities will be passed to the local fidelity score (metric_function) function.


Why to train the local model as one-vs-the-rest?

When the local model is trained in the same output domain as the global model, the explanations extracted from this local model apply to all of the possible classes, what for some types of local models renders them uninformative. For example, consider training a decision tree locally and using the feature importance it provides. In this case we know which features are important in this local space but we cannot attribute these importances to any of the possible classes. However, a different type of explanation extracted from the same tree, for example, the logical conditions extracted from a root-to-leaf path that the selected data_row falls into, can be perfectly reasonable.

If, on the other hand, the local model is trained as one-vs-the rest, where the “one” class is often set to be the class of the selected data_row, any type of the explanation can be attributed to the selected class. In this case feature importances extracted from the local model can attributed to the selected class in the specified neighbourhood. This mode of training the local model is required when the global model is probabilistic and the local one is a regressor, and optional for all the other combinations of the two.

The consequence of training the local model as one-vs-the-rest is the need for train a separate local model for every class desired to be explained. For some local models and explanation types this is a requirement. For example, when the local model is a linear regression (trained on probabilities of a selected class) the only possible explanation is feature importance, which is meaningless in other cases.

In general, when evaluating the quality of a local surrogate, the most truthful measure would be the one achieved when the local model is trained on the same set of target classes. A good quality of a local one-vs-the-rest model with respect to the global model should be treated with caution as it only indicates that the local model excels at this task and may not be a good approximation of the global decisive process at all. Comparing quality of two local models where one is multi-class and the other one-vs-the-rest is relatively complex and should be done with caution (the former local model has a more difficult task to solve).

Examples of how to define the metric_function can be found in the Examples section down below. This local fidelity evaluation is inspired by the local fidelity method introduced in [LAUGEL2018SPHERES].


Laugel, T., Renard, X., Lesot, M. J., Marsala, C., & Detyniecki, M. (2018). Defining locality for surrogates in post-hoc interpretablity. Workshop on Human Interpretability for Machine Learning (WHI) – International Conference on Machine Learning, 2018.


A 2-dimensional numpy array with a dataset used to initialise the data sampler.

data_rowUnion[numpy.ndarray, numpy.void]

A data point around which local fidelity is evaluated.

global_predictive_functionCallable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]

A Python callable (e.g., a function) that is responsible for predicting data points in the global model. This function can either be probabilistic, i.e., return a 2-dimensional numpy array with probabilities for every possible target class; a regressor (returning a 1-dimensional regression values array) or a classifier (returning a 1-dimensional class prediction array). Regardless of the type it must allow only one required parameter – a 2-dimensional data array to be predicted.

local_predictive_functionCallable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]

A Python callable (e.g., a function) that is responsible for predicting data points in the local (surrogate) model. For more details about the allowed function types please see the description of the global_predictive_function parameter.

metric_functionCallable[[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], float]

A Python callable (e.g., a function) that computes a (performance) metric between the predictions of the global model (global_predictive_function) and the predictions of the local (surrogate) model (local_predictive_function). The passed callable object must take exactly two required parameters: the first one being predictions of the global model and the latter predictions of the local model, and return a number (float) representing performance comparison of the two. This callable object has to be adjusted to the types of global and local predictive functions.

explained_class_indexinteger, optional (default=None)

If the global model (global_predictive_function) is probabilistic, this parameter allows to select a single column of probabilities for a selected class to be passed to the metric_function. This parameter is useful when the local (surrogate) model is a regressor predicting probabilities of this chosen class (the class being explained).

explained_feature_indicesList[IndexType], optional (default=None)

If the local (surrogate) model was trained on a subset of the features, this parameter allows to indicate which features should be used when predicting the generated data with the local model. If None, all of the features will be used.

fidelity_radius_percentageinteger, optional (default=5)

The locality of the fidelity measure is enforced by limiting the distance from the selected data_row to generated data, which is used for fidelity metric evaluation. This radius (of a hyper-sphere around the selected data_row) is defined as a percentage of the largest l-2 distance between any two data points in the input dataset within which the evaluation data will be sampled.

samples_numberinteger, optional (default=50)

The number of samples to be generated when computing the local fidelity score.


A metric of “closeness” between the global and the local predictive function predictions calculated using the metric_function on the sampled data.


The global_predictive_function or the local_predictive_function does not required exactly one parameter.


The input dataset is not a 2-dimensional numpy array. The input data_row is not 1-dimensional: either a 1-dimensional numpy array or a numpy void object for structured rows. The number of columns (features) in the data_row is different to the number of columns in the input dataset.


Some of the explained_feature_indices are invalid column indices for the input dataset.


The input dataset is not of a base type. The dtype of the data_row is too different from the dtype of the dataset. The global_predictive_function or the local_predictive_function is not a Python callable. The metric_function is not a Python callable or it does not require exactly two parameters. The explained_class_index is neither None nor an integer. The explained_feature_indices is neither None nor a Python list. The fidelity_radius_percentage is not an integer. The samples_number is not an integer.


The explained_class_index is a negative integer or out of bounds for the number of classes output by the global probabilistic model (global_predictive_function). The fidelity_radius_percentage is smaller than 1 or larger than 100. The samples_number is smaller than 1.


If the user specifies the explained_class_index parameter for a global model that is not probabilistic, this parameter is ignored, about what the user is warned.


The metric function should be adjusted to the type of the global and local predictors (and the use of the explained_class_index parameter).

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]])
>>> targets = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'])

Let us assume that the global model is probabilistic, the local model is a regressor and we are explaining class 'b' with index 1. (The index of the class is based on the lexicographical ordering of all the unique target values.)

>>> explained_class_index = 1
>>> import fatf.utils.models.models as fatf_models
>>> global_model = fatf_models.KNN(k=1)
>>> global_model.fit(data, targets)
>>> probabilities = global_model.predict_proba(data)
>>> selected_class_probabilities = probabilities[:, explained_class_index]
>>> local_model = fatf_models.KNN(k=1, mode='regressor')
>>> local_model.fit(data, selected_class_probabilities)

One way to evaluate the performance of our local (surrogate) model in this scenario is the Mean Squared Error:

>>> def mse(global_predictions, local_predictions):
...     mse = np.square(global_predictions - local_predictions)
...     mse = mse.mean()
...     return mse
>>> import fatf.utils.transparency.surrogate_evaluation as surrogate_eval
>>> mse_fidelity_score = surrogate_eval.local_fidelity_score(
...     data, data[0], global_model.predict_proba, local_model.predict,
...     mse, explained_class_index=explained_class_index)
>>> mse_fidelity_score

Alternatively, if scikit-learn is available, an ROC can be computed, in which case the probabilities of the selected class need to be thresholded:

>>> import sklearn.metrics
>>> def roc(global_predictions, local_predictions):
...     global_predictions[global_predictions >= .5] = 1
...     global_predictions[global_predictions < .5] = 0
...     global_predictions = global_predictions.astype(int)
...     roc = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(global_predictions,
...                                         local_predictions)
...     return roc
>>> roc_fidelity_score = surrogate_eval.local_fidelity_score(
...     data, data[1], global_model.predict_proba, local_model.predict,
...     roc, explained_class_index=explained_class_index)
>>> roc_fidelity_score

If both models are classifiers trained with the same set of target classes,

>>> local_classifier = fatf_models.KNN(k=1)
>>> local_classifier.fit(data, targets)

a simple accuracy (implemented in FAT Forensics) can be used:

>>> import fatf.utils.metrics.metrics as fatf_metrics
>>> import fatf.utils.metrics.tools as fatf_metrics_tools
>>> def accuracy(global_predictions, local_predictions):
...     confusion_matrix = fatf_metrics_tools.get_confusion_matrix(
...         local_predictions, global_predictions, labels=['a', 'b', 'c'])
...     accuracy = fatf_metrics.accuracy(confusion_matrix)
...     return accuracy
>>> accuracy_fidelity_score = surrogate_eval.local_fidelity_score(
...     data, data[2], global_model.predict, local_classifier.predict,
...     accuracy)
>>> accuracy_fidelity_score

(Note global_model.predict instead of `global_model.predict_proba.)